Episodes about:


Episodes categories:
Jul 1, 2024
47 min
Ep 41

41. Fallout Creator Tim Cain! (Part 1)

Apr 15, 2024
39 min
Ep 36

36. Wild Arms Series feat. DavidVinc and Gaming Broductions (Part 1)

Apr 8, 2024
46 Min
Ep. 35

35. Water Levels feat. Professor Bopper (Part 2)

Mar 25, 2024
60 mins
Ep. 34 Pt 2

34. The Game Boy Advance feat. Bash! (Part 2)

Mar 18, 2024
47 mins
Ep. 34

34. The Game Boy Advance feat. Bash! (Part 1)

Aug 21, 2023
1 hr 30 min
Ep. 33

33. RPG Mini Games

Jun 12, 2023
1 hr 13 min
Ep. 28

28. Working in the Gaming Industry

May 29, 2023
1 hr 30 min
Ep. 27

27. Roguelikes

Apr 17, 2023
1 hr 20 min

24. Leveling Up

Mar 6, 2023
1h 35m

Ep 21: Villains! Season 3 Premiere

Apr 12, 2021
1hr 15min
Episode 01

Ep 01: The Gay in Gaming

Mar 21, 2021
5 min
Episode 00

Ep 0: The Intro

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All episodes
Zac Neulieb
Co-host & Bad-Ass
Zac Neulieb is a life-long gaymer whose gaming repertoire knows no bounds! He joins RPGaymer with a long background in video games and all things creative.
Patrick Soltys-Curry
Founder & Host
Patrick puts the 'Gay' in RPGaymer. He likes long walks on the beach, big cats, and fried chicken. After a decade teaching English, he broke away to start RPGaymer. He lives in Indianapolis, IN, with his husband, three cats, and dog.
Jason Jasicki
Jason is an avid video game collector and enthusiast. He joins RPGaymer from Cupertino, where he lives with his partner Laura, their cats, and a massive video game collection.